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“I'll be good this time. I swear!”
A scream from a lower cage disrupted the harmony of the underground room; cries and moans filled the space. Numbers eleven and thirteen violently shook their cages, the underground tomb filled with metal rattling and grief, the locks holding firm. A guttural scream filled the air, joined by sobs of pain.
“Help us, please. Please, help me!”
Sunshine intro
After his predecessor, mentor, and facility namesake, Dr. Marvin Klydell died, Dr. Theodore Golightly became the chief of medicine of The Klydell Mental Institution in Sunshine, NJ. With the reigns of the ward firmly in his hands, and the power that is tethered to the title, Dr. Golightly is free to test his methodologies and theories. He will use his inherited resources to deal with those who question him his entire career.
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